Between Heaven + Earth: Mary-Marie Quigley

Recently, a nature-loving friend was visiting. We looked forward to doing what good friends do: kvetching, empathizing, sharing joys and sorrows, and generally trying to solve the problems of the world.  One morning, we found ourselves in our bathrobes, holding mugs of coffee and looking out at the lake. Gradually, we became less fixated on issues and, instead, became entranced by the ballet taking place outside. Two blue herons (who my husband has affectionately named “Bubba” and “Mrs. Bubba”) were gliding about, looking for a place to fish. One chose a low piling, the other a higher perch in the branch of a tree. A small troop of juncos made their debut for the season doing their signature hopping maneuvers - a sure indicator that winter is on the way. Squirrels scurried across the deck looking slightly chubbier than last month. A pair of cardinals scratched around the shrubs trying to dig up insects. Then they surprised us by landing oddly near the window. We gasped, as we both embrace the idea that cardinals represent our loved ones who have passed. We said hello back!

The worries of the world seemed to slip away. There was comfort in knowing that, regardless of the context of life events, nature’s rhythm is undeterred. The sun still rises and sets. Birds and animals still go through their seasonal rituals. We remember that, like nature, God’s love for us is enduring. We drank up the restorative scene along with the rest of our java and went into the day appreciative for the gift we had just received: a little joy, a little peace and a little hope.


Between Heaven + Earth: Nick Berry


Between Heaven + Earth: Louise Wulff