The Presbyterian Women in the Congregation (PWC) includes all women in the church. Its activities are managed by a board consisting of the officers and committee heads. We also facilitate Circles that meet for fellowship, study, and support. Contact Judi Dunn or the church office at (410) 267-8705. View the online: PWC HANDBOOK.
(Creative Ladies Aiding Missions/Creative Ladies and Men Stitching)
The group makes and delivers prayer shawls (large and pocket-size) for members and church friends or family. Hats and scarves are also made and passed along with purchased gloves to Winter Relief, the Light House and other needy missions. Baby hats are made for the NICU at AAMC. No experience necessary. PWC provides the yarn, needles, guidance, and fellowship for all interested in helping.
The PWC’s activities are varied and are woven into the congregation’s life. They provide scholarship assistance for church members attending mission-related programs. They tend the Memorial Garden which beautifully welcomes each season of the year. Some members of the PWC oversee the first floor of the Zimmerman Wilson house, often conducting tours upon request. The women generously host receptions for funeral and memorial services. If you are a member and would like a reception for your funeral/memorial service please fill out this checklist and submit to the office.