Between Heaven + Earth: Louise Wulff

We have moved a number of times and had neighbors in every community but I want to reflect on where we live now. It is a relatively small neighborhood with few sidewalks within walking distance of the library on West Street and the Post Office on Legion. Within one hour last week our neighbor across the street needed to borrow an outdoor extension cord that he hoped we might have and soon thereafter another needed to borrow an onion. Last winter after our first snowfall a new neighbor from across the street had already shoveled our driveway before our 6:30 am breakfast. CLAMS business is easy; I just walk down the street to the Drydens and either drop off hats or pick up yarn. And last, this past week Halloween children engaged in trick or treat rang our doorbell while their parents stood close by in the street in clumps of friends. All of these encounters make me smile and relish in connectedness in the fabric of my life.

PWC is another neighbor-hood with connections that are less geographic expanding into many lives through our activities – Memorial receptions, Pocket Prayer Shawls, Prayer Shawls, Baby Panty, and giving financial assistance to youth for programs outside of Annapolis. As we journey through this Advent season may we be alert to new possibilities and inspired by new connections.

“The World I Live In”
+ Mary Oliver

I have refused to live
locked in the orderly house of
     reasons and proofs.
The world I live in and believe in
is wider than that. And anyway,
     what’s wrong with Maybe?

You wouldn’t believe what once or
twice I have seen. I’ll just
     tell you this:
only if there are angels in your head will you
     ever, possibly, see one.


Between Heaven + Earth: Mary-Marie Quigley


Between Heaven + Earth: Carolyn Russell