Click below the video to view the bulletin for the worship service.
Stewardship 2025: Are You All In?
Each year, members are asked to provide an "Estimate of Giving" to inform our leadership as they contemplate the budget for the coming year. We ask that you prayerfully consider your connection to the church by returning to God a portion of the Blessings you have received. It takes all of us working together according to our means to sustain the church’s work. This year we ask for 100% participation. It is not how much, but how many! So, ARE YOU ALL IN?
Make your estimate today. Or with email to the business manager.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Presbyterian Women in the Congregation (PWC)
Monthly Zoom Meetings
First Thursdays of the Month @9:30 amAll women in the church are members of the PWC.
The board + members convene each month (September to May) to discuss their mission and activities which include memorial receptions, fundraising, gardening, knitting, and more!To join their ranks, email Judi Dunn, moderator.
FPC Meal Train
All Aboard the FPC Meal Train!
Sometimes life happens and it can be difficult to find time to make healthy meals for yourself and your family. Whether you’re recovering from an illness, welcoming a new baby, or simply in a busy work season, don’t despair. The FPC Deacons and volunteers are ready to take your order and lend a helping hand for a day, a week, a month or something in between.
Whether you’re in need of meals, know someone who is, or love to cook and looking for an opportunity to serve, email
Vanessa Forisha or Todd Pekel.