Tired of yet another day of dismal news and scary pandemic? Then prepare for "Mission Madness" as we shop 'til we drop from November 1 through December 13 with the first ever virtual Mission Fair & Gift Market! Browse-purchase-donate and watch our fabulous videos by clicking on each mission name below.


Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT)

FPC members join with other faith and community-based institutions in the county to develop community leaders and advocate for just housing, equitable education, criminal justice reform, racial justice and policy changes, reflecting our faith and loving our neighbors. Donations and volunteer time will support this important work.


During normal times, each Thursday at Annapolis Elementary School, volunteers fill 40 backpacks supplying food to over 50 children. Backpacks go home on Fridays providing meals for the weekend. Children receive fresh fruit, juices, muffins, breakfast bars, tuna, macaroni and cheese.

$15 feeds one child for a weekend.


A mission group organized under the Presbyterian Women at First Presbyterian. We knit and crochet prayer shawls, pocket shawls and hats.

$5 per button and $25 per angel


Coats for Kids

Students who need a coat are identified by their teachers and parents or guardians are contacted to be sure the coat is welcomed. Each child receives a new coat in the correct size and color. This mission is fully funded by the congregation, with nearly all funds coming from donations at the Mission Fair and Alternative Gift Market. To date, nearly 200 coats have warmed a chilly child.


Cuba Partnership

First Presbyterian and the Church of Caibarién, Cuba signed an agreement in 2018 uniting two communities of faith in prayerful support. FPC members support Vacation Bible School, provide telephone minutes, donate over-the-counter medicines and send up prayers to contribute to the people of Caibarién.



Volunteers collect food from Whole Foods and deliver it to Asbury UMC and the Lutheran Mission on Wednesdays all year-round. To make a small commitment and an enormous difference, join us! Contact Paul Murphy to volunteer at


CEDEPCA provides emergency food and shelter with a 60 bed facility at the office in Cuidad de Guatemala. Migrant people, including the approximately three plane loads of people being returned from the U.S. daily, are in need of ongoing help. CEDEPCA provides services designed to assist with clean water and adequate food. Much can be done to help with education and vocational training so that people can support themselves.

Bookmark -$5
Bracelet -$8
Coin Purse - $10
Face Mask - $10
Scarf -$25


The church has established a five-year commitment with Haiti Reforestation Partnership that supports CODEP, a community of 750 Haitians who have planted 15 million trees covering 5,500 acres of previously barren mountains. The trees prevent erosion and create compost and topsoil where vegetable gardens are grown to provide food.

One tree -$10 
Trio of trees (three trees) - $25

Noor’s Cookbook

The Abed family, Noor, Yasir, Fatimah, Mahdi, and Zainab, have been a part of our church family since 2016. Their hospitality is well-known. If you’ve ever tasted Noor’s cooking you are indeed blessed! All funds received from the sale of the cookbook will be given to the Abed Family.

Each cookbook is $12.

Refugee Assistance

We partnered with World Relief Anne Arundel to welcome a refugee family of five from Iraq in 2016. To date the family has purchased a house, the children attend public school, their parents have completed English and job training, received their driver's licenses, and secured employment. Help us to continue to support this family during the pandemic and to support new refugee assistance in the future.



Start The Adventure In Reading (STAIR)-Annapolis is a nonprofit organization that serves second-graders attending AA County Public Schools, providing one-on-one literacy tutoring. When you donate you provide books and materials to second-graders who don’t have resources at home. Read more on what STAIR is doing for students during the pandemic.

The Center.jpg

The Center

A mission project of Baltimore Presbytery, hosts groups for week long and weekend urban mission projects. The Center Mission groups supported STAIR Summer Reader’s Theater for three years with amazing results. People getting to know each other is the way to communication!

Winter Relief

In a typical February, First Presbyterian hosts 25 homeless men for one week during Winter Relief. Caring volunteers dispense a week’s worth of God’s love, good food, hot showers and more. The pandemic has forced Arundel House of Hope to house the homeless in motels in the area until it is deemed safe to re-open churches.

Doctor’s visit - $70
Bus pass - $25
Cot - $50

Lighthouse Shelter

In 2019 The Light House provided emergency shelter, food, clothing, case management, and many other vital homelessness prevention and support services to over 2,000 community members in need. They provided 196,870 pounds of healthy food through the food pantry, distributed 51,083 bagged lunches and 38,544 hot meals. They also provided emergency and transitional housing for 257 individuals and 15 families, including 26 children. The B.E.S.T. workforce development program has trained over 370 people since starting in 2012.


Mission bags are $5 each. First one free with purchase or donation on the order form.


One of the first fair trade organizations, SERRV works to empower over 8,000 artisans and farmers in 24 countries every year by selling their beautiful handcraftsMake sure FPC is identified in the orange banner at the top of the home page and we will receive a donation of 20% on every sale!!

Orders placed:

Nov 1 receive a free gift with purchase

Nov. 14-15 and Dec. 5-6 receive free ground shipping

Nov. 21-22 receive a $10 gift card with every $50 purchase.

To purchase click here.


Nutritious food, shelter, clean water, a decent education, access to health care.  A safe and secure environment. All fundamental for a life free from hunger and poverty. Yet millions of people can’t afford them. Head to the Heifer website to buy some chicks, a knitting basket or part of a water buffalo. To purchase click here

Connect Rwanda

Connect Rwanda’s primary objectives are to bring technology to the classrooms of Rwanda, promote teacher growth and cultural understanding through collaboration, and to foster goodwill in the world. Support Connect Rwanda and buy delicious coffee.To purchase, click here